Thursday, July 30, 2009

RuN gIRl rUn

"AHHHH Sweet mystery of life at last I've found you..."

That's how I feel about this here book.You know I have a pile of books I'm in the middle of reading and another pile of books on tape. Well this one here kicked the others clean across town.

You know those kind of books..
The ones you can't put down but you have to because you don't want it to end.
The one that you think of right before you fall asleep and right when you wake up in the morning.

A huh.


It's one of those.

Ya'll must run, don't walk to the bookstore and buy yourself this book.

I just love it.

I am in a quandary though...I'm listening to it, not reading it. It is one of the best audio books I have EVER listened to. It well right may be the best ever.

So I kinda think you should get both- like me. Listening to it is like listening by the fire to the radio, before TV. But you got to have the book to keep on your shelf and underline your favorite passages..of which there will be many.

Kathryn Stockett has written a treasure. It takes on a very serious topic, that of the relationship between Southern whites and their maids in the 60's. It was a way of life that is hopefully long gone.She is able to make it touching,disturbing and funny all at once.

Click HERE to read all about Kathryn and how she came to write the book after 9/11 to comfort herself. How she stopped counting the rejections after 45. How art imitates life.How the cover was supposed to be this

but was considered too controversial for America so it is the cover in the UK, but not here...


Back to listening.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I know I was blabbering on about my goal to finish reading(not writing)a book last week-and gave the long list of the books I am in the middle of reading.

It didn't come true.

BuT it did get me reading more and I am almost half way through NEW MOON.

AND I've also added another book to my long list of books that I am listening to on my iPod.

I was intrigued to read it because of all the hoopla surrounding all things TWILIGHT.

And I was in awe of the author Stephanie Meyer.

This writer is a young mother of three. She came up with the TWILIGHT series because of a vivid dream that she had, and the rest is history.

Sort of- because there is a lot more to writing a book than a perfectly vivid dream.

The thing that she had, the thing that every writer needs, besides the idea and the passion that goes along with it is.... DISCIPLINE.

She would get up early in the morning, before her kids did, to write the book.

And its not a novella.
It's a door stopper book.

THAT is discipline.

I can proudly say that yes, I have finally finished a book I started in 1993!!!

It is 26 pages long and it has about 3 sentences on each page...

I wrote most of it while I had four little ones running around.
I brought it with me to Berlin to hone it while away from the kids.
I lost the almost done book while on a bus, having forgotten my big bag with all my stuff in it that I felt too precious to check in on the plane..

Somehow I managed to remember, with my almost fifty year old brain, the gist and started plucking away again last year.

Now, that's discipline for you!!

Looking forward to the process of




More on that to follow.

photos by flickr

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I am so thrilled...

It doesn't take much to get me thrilled..
Thanks to my dearie neighbor/friend/sister Claudia, I have found the paper straws I was longing for.

I love drinking out of a straw.

Don't you?
But my eco-conscious brain always makes me feel guilty using those plastic straws and I only use them for emergencies- sick tummies, fevers, milk shakes and grand girl adventures.

And besides, it's just not the same- that plastic against your tongue and teeth. Remember the paper straws??

How they would sort of disintegrate after awhile at the bottom and it was hard to get the rest of the milkshake out?

But I didn't care.

I loved those straws.

And I didn't realise how much till they were no longer around.

Many a time I have searched down the grocery aisle, looking for paper straws, to no avail.
I've looked in big chain stores and tiny mom and pop stores.

No paper straws to be had..

Did you know that paper starws were invented in 1888 by Marvin Stone?

Thank you Marvin Stone.

He came up with the idea while his company was making cigarette holders!!!!!

He made the straws by twining strips of paper around a pencil and gluing it together. He then tweaked it and added paraffin-coated paper so they would not be soggy. Needless to say- it was a hit . He then went on to make the first machine for making straws in 1906 and the rest is history.

Aardvark Paper Straws are a direct descendant of the Marvin Stone's company . And they are made for today- sturdier and eco friendly.

Now I can slurp away to my hearts content.

It's $33 for 400.. I am SO THERE.

Aardvark Straws.. Love them...

I will let ya'll know once they arrive how divine they truly are.

Thank you Claudia!!!

photos by

Saturday, July 18, 2009

EaSy pEasY

What to make a fussy GrandGirl for a healthy breakfast?????

BananaNana Breakfast Shake

Get out the blender, a frozen banana, frozen blueberries and 1/2 cup ice cold milk.

Break up the banana

Put it in the blender

That's too cold Kass..
Add the frozen OrgaNic blueberries- only organic berries for GrandGirl will do...

Add the Ice Cold Milk.

Turn on the blender and blend till nice and smooth.

Make sure you have the coolest straw possible and sip.

Mmmm Mmmm Good.

Now if Kass could just find some paper straws like the good ole' days..Anyone know where I can get them?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009



Once again.

I have been a slouch.

I'm truly in the summer mode.

Sleeping till ....late.

Not doing housework.

Not weeding the garden..

Not reading.

Not writing.

But DOING just the same.

My goal for the week...
to finish reading a book.

I am in the middle of reading!!!!:
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao,The Shack, Shantaram, City of Thieves and A Moveable Feast....Waiting for one of them to grab me, like great books do, and pull me to the end.

Just got the greatest gismo from FETCHDOG

if you have more than one pooch, like me-and like to walk them- you gotta order the leash and "coupler"- it makes walking 2 of 'em a joy.

photos by flickr

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ciao Bella

First we went here...

Then we went there..

Did a bit of this...

And megusto that...

It was Spiritual...



And downright hysterical...

But most of all...


It's great to be Italian..

Thanks to you Madre.