Friday, July 25, 2008

Roaring Kenyan Friendships ...

Tomorrow is a big day. I finally get to meet in person my dear friend Kate Fletcher, who founded Hekima Place in Kenya, a home for girls who have been orphaned. We met through Divine Intervention- the internet was His tool. I had been trying to get some information about how to expand Mama Tunza's Children's Center orphanage and school located in Kibera (the second largest slum in the world) to a place outside the slum. I came upon Hekima Place and Kate. It turns out that we are both Pittsburghers and had so much in common. She and Mama Gladys at Hekima Place have helped my Tricia and Faces of Kibera with their wisdom .From Tricia's own words, Kate has given these girls a beautiful home for them to live and grow.

The story of Christian the lion and the two men who bought him from Harrods and later set him free in Kenya jut really chokes me up- can't help it.Click here to watch the happy tearjerker video.
Hurray for friendships -old and new..
God Is Good (as they say in Kenya when friends meet or part)

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