Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Still trying to get through ECLIPSE, which is supposedly, from all my Twilight Mom-freak friends, the best book of the series... I'll get through it, but I'd rather read THE HELP five more times than read the TWILIGHT saga..

On another note.. in my poll Jacob beat out Edward 3 to 1... SNL had another great evening last week..Bravo Taylor( I voted for Jacob)


  1. I have not read either books. I should check out one of those...or another one. It's been a few months since I picked up a book on a regular basis. Ugh.

    Hope you're having a good week. :)

  2. Thanks Lizzie- read The Help.. its the best!

    Have a great week!

  3. You're the second person to recommend The Help...saw it at Costco's but in hardback...Happy Holidays!

  4. Its worth having in hard back..But I actually listened to it on tape. Merry merry!


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