Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Historic Moment

I can't say I'm ecstatic about the results of the election. But I have to trust in GOD that this is the right man for our country.

So I'm going to make lemonade out of lemons.

I am so proud that our country has come so far since the 1960's- which was not really that long ago.

In President Obama's honor,especially those of you who voted for Obama, how bout spreading a little of the cheer upon two places close to my heart? Located right where President Obama's father was from- Kenya...

Faces of Kibera, started by my daughter, is an organization helping orphans in Kibera, the second largest slum in the world. Obama visited Kibera when he went to Kenya a few years back. Faces of Kibera's goal is to raise enough money to open up a new orphanage for the children of Mama Tunza's Children's Center and get them out of the horrific slum.Until then, the organization supports the orphanage by giving the place money for food, medical supplies and teachers salaries. Faces of Kibera has been able to provide for a water source , electricity and toilets for the children there.

Another place right in Kenya, and close to Mama Tunza's, is

Hekima Place was started by a woman in Pittsburgh, Kate Fletcher, after her husband died. She moved to Kenya and opened a home for girls who have been orphaned by AIDS. It is a happy, bright place- a real home for these girls. 5 of the girls from Mama Tunza's are now living there.

God Bless America and it's people. Let is continue to be the beacon of hope for all the world.

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